
Top 10 Wellness Activities for Remote Employees

Wellness Activities for Remote Employees

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In recent years, the trend of remote work has been rapidly increasing due to various reasons such as cost-effectiveness, flexible schedules, and increased productivity. However, working from home can also have its downsides, including isolation, lack of social interaction, and a sedentary lifestyle that can negatively impact physical and mental health.

To combat these negative effects, many companies are adopting wellness activities for their remote employees to improve their overall well-being. These activities aim to promote physical fitness, mental health, and social interaction while working remotely.

Wellness activities for remote employees not only help them stay physically and mentally fit but also foster a sense of community and belonging among remote teams.

In this era of remote work, it’s crucial for companies to prioritize the health and well-being of their employees. Implementing wellness activities can help to create a positive work environment and improve the overall productivity and satisfaction of remote workers.


What are Virtual Wellness Activities?

Virtual wellness activities are activities that promote health and well-being through virtual platforms, allowing individuals to engage in wellness practices from the comfort of their own homes or wherever they have an internet connection. These activities utilize technology to deliver wellness experiences, providing convenience and accessibility for participants. Here are some examples of virtual wellness activities:

These activities have gained immense popularity, especially in the context of remote work and the need for individuals to prioritize their health and self-care from home. In these virtual wellness activities, participants connect through video conferencing platforms or specialized wellness apps to engage in practices that enhance their health.

Online fitness classes offer a wide variety of workouts, from high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to dance routines, making it easy for participants to find activities that suit their fitness levels and preferences. Wellness webinars and workshops provide educational content on nutrition, stress management, sleep hygiene, and more, empowering participants to make informed health choices.

Ultimately, virtual wellness activities provide convenient and accessible avenues for individuals to invest in their well-being, regardless of their physical location.

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10 Best Wellness Activities for Remote Employees

1. Get in Those Steps

Remember the days when you used to commute to the office? Well, for millions of folks, the office isn’t coming back anytime soon. If your daily commute consists of walking down the hallway to your home office, it might be time to find ways to add more steps into your day.

Can you get in 10,000 steps per day? That may sound daunting, but by taking frequent short breaks—such as walking around the neighborhood during lunch or walking to the store instead of driving—the steps will add up fast.

Try setting a smaller goal first, such as 5,000 or 7,500 steps, and work your way up. Don’t stop there—what other remote workplace fitness challenge ideas can you think of for your organization?

2. Meditate

It might seem like we have a lot of downtimes while working from home, but with the line between work and home life more blurred than ever before, when you’re having to dangle childcare with Zoom meetings, getting a moment to yourself can seem impossible.

Studies routinely show that meditative exercises have a positive effect on our mental health, even for as little as five minutes per day. Make it a point to spend a little time each day practising deep-breathing exercises. For tips and techniques, check out the Woliba wellness library.

3. Cook Healthy Meals

Cooking healthy meals can be a form of self-care and stress relief. Taking the time to prepare and enjoy a healthy meal can provide a much-needed break from work and can help to reduce stress levels. By incorporating healthy meal planning and cooking into their daily routines, remote workers can improve their overall health and well-being, leading to a more productive and fulfilling work life.

Why not pledge to cook healthy meals five times per week? The good news is that healthy does not have to mean difficult. At Woliba, our nutrition experts are constantly posting new and easy-to-make recipes you can try anytime, so be sure to check your news feed.

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4. Drink Your H2O

How much water do you drink per day? Odds are, it’s not enough.

You might not think to drink water until you feel thirsty, but the problem is that you begin to experience the effects of dehydration long before that. One of the first symptoms is decreased productivity. For example, one study found that being just 3 to 4 percent dehydrated can lower your work performance by as much as 50 percent.

According to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the typical adult male needs to drink about a gallon of water per day, which comes out to a little over 15 cups. Women need about 11.5 cups per day.

How much are you drinking? When you’re holed up in your home office, it’s easy to let hours go by without sipping water. Be sure to take frequent breaks to refill your water bottle.

Also Read: 30-Day Water Challenge

5. Sleep

This might sound obvious, but sleep is one of the most critical factors effecting your physical and mental wellbeing. According to the Sleep Foundation, “45 percent of Americans say that poor or insufficient sleep affected their daily activities at least once in the past seven days.” Some 20 percent report that they didn’t wake up feeling refreshed on any of the past seven days.

Many remote workers report difficulty falling and staying asleep. This could be the result of many factors, but in a time when the boundaries between work and home life are increasingly blurred, it’s simply harder to turn your brain off. Indeed, one study found that 45 percent of remote workers work an average of 11 hours per week in their bed!

One way to improve your sleep is to have distinct bedtime rituals free from distractions, especially the blue light emitted from phones and tablets. Try to shut down your devices an hour before bedtime for the best chance at a restful night’s sleep.

6. Practice Gratitude

Covid-19 pandemic was a tough year, but there is always something to be grateful for. Before bedtime, try to think about one person were especially grateful for, whether it’s a friend, coworker, or family member.

Psychological research reveals that gratitude is strongly associated with increased happiness levels. Expressing gratitude towards others helps you feel more consistent positive emotions, relish good experiences, deal with adversity, build strong relationships, and even maintain a healthy immune system.

7. Take Frequent Brain Breaks

Studies overwhelmingly show that we are more productive while working from home, but don’t let that go to your head—literally. In recent years, advanced tech has allowed us to supercharge our workflow, but the constant deluge of Slack notifications, emails, Zoom calls, spreadsheets, decks, and more have had a major unintended consequence: burnout. That’s why taking routine breaks is so important not just for our physical and psychological health.

Whenever possible, take some time to go for a long walk, do some yoga, draw, practice deep breathing, and other brain breaks that help you stay focused on your goals while avoiding burnout.

8. Stay Social

Quarantine in 2020 taught us a lot of things. No more after-work drinks, no more football games, no more big birthday parties. While social distancing was a critical component of slowing the spread of Covid-19, lack of social contact is taking its toll on our psychological health.

Don’t be a hermit. Pick up the phone and dial your closest friends. Schedule zoom happy hours. Attend social distanced events when it’s safe to do so. Never forget that we’re all in this together, and don’t be afraid to seek professional help whenever necessary.

9. Invest in Ergonomic Office Equipment

You’re spending a heck of a lot of time at home these days—is your furniture keeping up? From ergonomic chairs to curved keyboards to standing desks, furniture tech has advanced greatly in recent years. Those aches and pains are not just making you uncomfortable, but they’re affecting your productivity.

Your body deserves to feel at its best during the work day, so trust us, that comfy chair is worth the investment.

Also Read:

Why Proper Ergonomics In The Workplace Is Important?

10. Honor Your Hobbies

It’s difficult to disconnect from your work computer, especially when it’s in your living room. Have you noticed that you’ve been neglecting your old hobbies in recent months? You’re not alone: Studies show that remote employees are working some 1.4 more days per month than their office-based counterparts.

All that productivity is good, but don’t let it come at the expense of your happiness. Establish a set routine that allows you to log off for the day to spend time with that unfinished novel, artwork, or that virtual cooking class. The possibilities are endless if you simply give yourself the time!

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, implementing wellness activities for remote employees is becoming increasingly important as more companies transition to remote work. These activities not only improve physical and mental health but also foster a sense of community and camaraderie among remote teams. From virtual fitness classes to meditation sessions and team building activities, there are many ways for companies to promote wellness among their remote workforce.

By prioritizing employee well-being, companies can create a positive work environment that promotes productivity and job satisfaction. Investing in wellness activities for remote employees can help to reduce absenteeism and improve employee retention rates, ultimately leading to better business outcomes.

In a world where remote work is becoming the norm, companies that prioritize employee well-being will stand out as leaders in their industries. By encouraging healthy habits and promoting wellness among their remote workforce, companies can create a culture of health and well-being that benefits everyone involved.

How Woliba Can Help?

Looking for a comprehensive solution to help your remote employees stay healthy and happy? Look no further than Woliba! Our platform offers a wide range of wellness activities for remote employees, including virtual fitness classes, meditation sessions, and nutrition coaching. With Woliba, you can help your employees prioritize their well-being and achieve their health and fitness goals. Contact us today to learn more and get started!

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